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Why Your Situation Isn’t Different

If you’re struggling to reach your goals, here’s the real obstacle you need to overcome... and how to do it

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I’ve been around personal development for over three decades.

I began in the 1980’s around the time I met Robert and Kim. One of the things that remains a constant with the people we meet is the amount of excuses people use for not pursuing their dreams.

The most common excuse we hear people use is, “That’s great, by my situation is different!”

(So to everyone who thinks this is a new problem that only millennials deal with I have news for you, it isn’t.)

One phrase that rules them all

I remember one such occasion during one of my courses. I had the chance to meet a young man from New Zealand.

During a break, I asked him how things were going and he replied, “You know, as I sit here and listen to you and to others in front of the room I really believe that you guys have been successful. I know that it’s real, you’ve done it.”

I sensed he had more to add so I pressed him to continue. He replied, “I look around the room at all these other people, and I suspect they’re probably going to be able to follow your process and become successful, too.”

I was a little unclear on where he was going with it when he added, “Well, my situation is different. Because of what I have to deal with, I’m not sure that I could do that.”


In all of my years of working with people around the world, this is one of the most common and nastiest little voices out there. It’s no wonder why less than 5 percent of people who take a given program (or register for coaching or attend a weekend seminar or take an online course) actually do something with it.

That lack of action all begins with this self-sabotaging phrase: “My situation is different!”

I’m sorry to break it to you, but your situation is NOT different. Was your childhood rough? Is your current family life less than loving? Are you under financial duress? Have you grieving after the passing of a loved one? Do you have some personal skeletons that keep your subconscious feverishly trying to keep you safe? Guess what? We all have them. You only chose to focus on them because your little voice is louder than your actual voice. (At least it feels that way sometimes.)

Remember when we discussed the only thing that defeats resistance? I’ll give you a hint: action.

It’s the only thing the universe responds to.

Robert and Kim have dedicated their lives to elevate the financial well-being of humanity. I have a similar passion to help people see their own value. I can locate it with ease in most people. But for whatever reason people have a hard time seeing in themselves. The reason doesn’t really matter.

It’s my job, and the job of any leader, to help see the value that other’s provide and help them not only see it but live it.

That book you want to write or business you dream of starting will only happen when you realize your own brilliance.

It’s only when you get your little voice to understand the value of you will you win the battle against resistance.

Your resistance is you. It’s not your childhood. It’s not the love of your life who walked away. It’s not your boss who keeps you down. The only thing keeping you from believing in you is you.

If you want to learn more about how you can find your true value, grab a copy of my book, Little Voice Mastery.

Original publish date: August 01, 2019

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