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How to Get to Your Financial Destination

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Financial independence is a goal many women want to achieve, but many wonder: How can I make it happen? Below are some keys you can implement in your life, starting today. For a detailed system that walks you through these steps, check out the Rich Woman Guide to Phenomenal Success.

Know your destination.What is the ideal life you want to create for yourself (and your loved ones)? What do you need – in financial terms – to get there?

Create a plan. Next you’ll need to map out a plan to your destination. Your plan may need to be revised along the way as you encounter new or unexpected situations, but you should always have a plan.

Break it down into easy steps. Enormous goals can be intimidating. Set yourself up for success by breaking your big goals down into smaller and smaller goals until they are manageable and achievable.

Do at least one small step every day. Now that you’ve got those manageable goals, make sure you work on them regularly. Develop a habit of accomplishing at least one task each day that moves you towards your big success.

Take advantage of organizers and reminders. Whether you prefer electronic tools, written reminders and lists, or a combination of both, utilize tools to help you stay organized and keep you on track.

Make learning a habit. Keep increasing your financial knowledge every day.

Build your team and your network. Your team will consist of professionals who help you find, analyze, and pursue deals. Your network will consist of those people in your life who encourage you and understand and support your goals.

Women all over the world have reached their financial destinations, and so can you! Click here for more details about how the Rich Woman GPS can help you on your journey.

Good luck!

Original publish date: September 03, 2009

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