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9 Great Ways to Stay Up When Bitcoin Prices Are Down

Keeping a positive mindset for investing

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  • Embrace diverse investment opportunities

  • Focus on long-term financial goals

  • Staying proactive and informed

It can be difficult to focus on looking up when our crypto portfolio’s price value is going down. During these times it’s important to focus on how to have the right mindset, properly risk manage, and plan for navigating these situations with future investments.

Here are some unique strategies to consider:

  1. Focus on Your Long-Term Financial Goals

    When Bitcoin's value drops, it's easy to get caught up in the short-term fluctuations and roll with those powerful emotions. This is especially true if you invested in BTC during its all-time-highs(you’ll want to avoid doing that in the future).

    Instead, keep your focus on your long-term financial goals. Use cryptocurrency education as a key part of your strategy and stay dedicated to your plan. Remember why you first invested and always factor in potential dips, downturns, and losses when managing your risks.

    Personally, I have a budget that covers all my expenses and necessities, with only a small portion allocated for monthly investments. This approach helps me to avoid letting my emotions take over during crypto winters or market downturns because I haven't invested too much to negatively impact my lifestyle.

    It's worth keeping in mind that throughout history, Bitcoin has consistently reached higher prices after each halving event, which happens about every four years. This trend suggests a long-term upward trajectory, serving as a comforting reminder that market downturns—while painful—are usually temporary.

  2. Investment Diversification Strategies

    If you have only invested in crypto, you might want to reconsider that going forward. You’ll be only experiencing hair-pulling frustration continuing down that route.

    Diversify your portfolio by mixing traditional and alternative assets like stocks, bonds, real estate, and cryptocurrencies. This creates a well-balanced and resilient portfolio.

    It's also a good idea to allocate some funds to low-risk assets like precious metals for added stability during market downturns.

    Of course, you’ll want to first consult a financial advisor for a personalized diversification plan that fits your risk tolerance and financial goals.

    While going “all-in” on Bitcoin may be tempting due to its amazing price history, a diverse portfolio is the key to long-term success in the investment world.

  3. Utilize Dollar-Cost Averaging

    Instead of trying to time the market, which can be both horribly stressful and wildly unpredictable, consider dollar-cost averaging (DCA).

    DCA strategy involves investing a fixed amount of money at regular intervals, regardless of the market's performance. Over time, DCA can reduce the impact of volatility and lower the average cost of your investments, providing a more stable approach to building wealth.

    Here’s a DCA example:

    1. Suzy first assessed her cashflow.

      • Suzy's monthly income: $6000

      • Monthly expenses: $3000

    2. Suzy determined her risk tolerance.

      Given the volatility of Bitcoin, Suzy should determine a comfortable amount to invest regularly without impacting her financial stability or goals.

    3. Suzy formed her DCA Strategy.

      Suzy decided on a fixed amount or percentage of her monthly savings to allocate towards Bitcoin by investing 10% of her savings each month into Bitcoin.

      • 10% of $3000 (monthly savings potential) = $300 per month

      With this option Suzy is invested in Bitcoin, while still saving the other $2,700 towards other goals or investment types.

  4. Create a Financial Safety Net

    It can be a good idea to have a nice, comfy financial safety net. This could mean maintaining a higher-than-average emergency fund or having a portion of your investments in highly liquid assets.

    Having a solid safety net can offer peace of mind and emotional stability, allowing you to ride out BTC market downturns without feeling pressured to sell off your Bitcoin prematurely.

  5. Build a Resilient Mindset

    Your mindset plays the biggest role in investing. It guides your decisions on buying and selling, and can affect how much you invest. Take part in activities that promote resilience, this can be something as simple as journaling, or recording videos to express yourself and your crypto journey.

    Reflecting on past accomplishments and trials can give you a better understanding of the current market climate. By maintaining a resilient mindset, you can stay committed to your long-term objectives and minimize the emotional effects of short-term market changes.

  6. Steps for Mental Wellness

    Beyond typical stress management techniques, why not explore the wonders of nature? Embrace the calming effects of forest bathing or invigorate yourself with a plunge into cold water.

    In the chaos of everyday life, it's important to find moments of comfort. Maybe for you, it's diving into a captivating video game or snuggling up with a soft blanket and sipping on a warm mug of cocoa (a personal favorite of mine).

    The goal is to find other things to focus your time and energy into instead of constantly checking on your crypto portfolio or the price of Bitcoin.

  7. Practicing Patience and Discipline

    I know what you’re thinking, we hear it all the time—be patient and stay disciplined. Whether it's with our health, our relationships, or, yes, our crypto investments, these traits are priceless.

    In the ever-changing-fast-paced world of crypto, patience can seem like a tall order. But remember, it's invaluable for success. Stick to your plan, and avoid making hasty decisions or giving into FOMO(Fear of Missing Out).

    Careful, thoughtful choices are what will ultimately pay off in the long-run.

  8. Set Clear, Achievable Milestones

    Just like you can't jump straight into lifting heavy weights at the gym, you can't expect instant wealth from investing. It's a gradual process, built bit by bit over the years. Break down your long-term financial goals into smaller, manageable steps.

    And don’t forget to celebrate each milestone, no matter how small, to keep yourself motivated. This way, you stay focused and get regular boosts of encouragement, which is especially needed when times get tough.

  9. Staying Updated on Crypto News

    Stay in the loop with the latest crypto news and market trends. The more you know, the less you'll worry—understanding what drives market movements helps you make confident, informed decisions.

    Getting involved in online communities, joining webinars, and diving into market analyses can be fantastic ways to meet fellow investors and gain valuable insights. Always prioritize trustworthy sources, and stay cautious about sharing your crypto or personal information with anyone in these spaces.

If you’re interested, we have crypto courses and a weekly crypto newsletter.

Final Thoughts

I know that keeping positive is easier said than done, especially when it comes to Bitcoin. But, making an effort to embrace a broader range of investment opportunities, and building up a strong mindset can help grow more than just your portfolio, but also your confidence.

Keep your eye on the prize, by focusing on your long-term goals and remind yourself that Bitcoin's historical performance has shown growth over time. While there are no guarantees in investing, acknowledging this history gives us hope that Bitcoin may continue to follow this trend in the future.

Remember, the goal is not just to survive the downturns but to thrive in the long term. Continuously learn and grow, and watch your assets multiple in time.

For low-risk crypto investing tips, we recommend checking out our free crypto e-book “Low-Risk Crypto Investing: The Right Way to Invest in Crypto”.

(Disclaimer: This article is not financial advice and is intended for educational purposes only. Our articles are not sponsored or affiliated with any of the businesses, tokens, teams, or protocols mentioned. It is important to conduct thorough research and only invest an amount that you are comfortable potentially losing. For personalized financial advice, consult a professional.)

Original publish date: July 10, 2024

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