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Do You Really Need Lots Confidence to be an Investor?

Why I think Confidence is a Myth When it Comes to Being an Investor

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I hear this all the time: “I can’t do it. All those other guys are always so confident. That’s just not me.”

People think that they have to be the most confident investors in the world to make it big. It’s not true!

We highly underestimate ourselves all the time. We listen to that little voice of self-doubt or we listen to other people who aren’t supportive and we find all the reasons why we can’t do something or why we shouldn’t even try.

But what people don’t realize is that there are two voices: the voice of reason, and the voice of self-doubt. The voice of reason is your common sense while the voice of self-doubt is your past dictating your future.

Now, I grew up in an average middle-class home. And I’m proud of it! Why? Because I had to learn to work for what I wanted. I learned solid values. A good deal of that came from my parents. My father worked for the same company for most of his career and earned a stable living that supported our middle-class lifestyle. It was a good life for me and my siblings.

So like most of us do, when I got out of college, I followed in my dad’s footsteps and got a job. But I began to meet people—people who showed me their entrepreneurial ways. They became my mentors. From that point on, I became an entrepreneur.

I kept the values I learned from my parents. I combined it with my own entrepreneurial spirit and became this whole new person.

Nothing in my upbringing would have prepared me for what I’m doing now. I didn’t walk into this with all of the confidence in the world. I was unsure sometimes, and down-right scared out of my mind other times, but I pushed past it. It’s up to us to let go of the memories and the scars of unsupportive parents, ridiculing friends, and teachers who labeled us from the first day of school.

We all have negative influences in our lives. We have to rise above the challenges because that’s what successful people do. It’s a choice to move beyond the past, whatever it may be, and look forward to the future.

I’ve accepted my past and I’ve learned from it. But most importantly, I've realized that the bad stuff will only make me stronger.

My advice is not only to look for strength in all that is good in your life, but also to use the hard times for what they are: character building.

Original publish date: December 05, 2018

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