What does it mean to be a Sovereign Man?

Release date: December 9, 2020
Duration: 53min
Guest(s): Simon Black
Simon Black

Simon Black joins Robert and Kim Kiyosaki for an interesting discussion on becoming a Sovereign Man, what that is, what it means, and why it’s important. Former Army Intelligence Officer, West Point graduate, international investor, entrepreneur, and founder of sovereignman.com, Simon Black talks to us from an 1100 acre blueberry farm in Chile.

Why Chile?

Because of business, and cheap land, says Simon. For what he wanted to achieve in agriculture, Chile was the ideal location. Land prices are cheaper, with international pricing for production. Together, that means a higher return on investment. This is, as we learn, all a part of being a sovereign man. To think outside the box, to do and act in a way that sets you apart as an individual.

What IS a Sovereign Individual, Exactly?

For Simon, and those who are members of his program, it’s the ability to be an independent person, a free thinker. To avoid being intellectually closed minded, and not be trapped by the ideologies of others.

To be a sovereign man, you must take back your freedom, make more money, keep more of it, and in that, you find true success and freedom.

Are we being censored?

Robert and Simon share a common badge of honor; Robert is a graduate of Kings Point Academy, and a former Marine. Simon, a former Army Intelligence Officer, and graduate of West Point. As Robert points out, they both come from a background where they ‘fought against communism.’ The idea that huge tech companies have become a “censorship board for the Chinese communist party”, filtering and censoring public opinions, social media posts, and questions revolving around our most recent Election, the current pandemic and personal freedoms, has become an American issue, is alarming.

Simon, notes that simple queries involving ballot counting have become censored. He tells Robert and Kim, ”Well, that seems kind of unusual to me that truckloads of ballots sort of just materialized out of nowhere at three o'clock in the morning. Not even to make any…assertions, but just to ask a question say, can we at least ask, ‘is this normal? Is this standard practice? What's the protocol for this?’ Just normal questions you might want to ask because I'm 42 years old. I'd never seen that before in my life. In 42 years, I never seen that.”

In the United States of America, you're not allowed to ask a question anymore.

"You can't ask the question. You're denounced. That's a crazy person. Twitter shuts you down. Google shuts you down. MSNBC cuts to a commercial. Nobody wants to hear it.”

Is A Lockdown Effective?

The travesty continues, says Simon. He recites a recent study released by the New England Journal of Medicine. The study itself is to determine the effectiveness of a lockdown on transmission/infection rates. For the test subjects, those who would be ordered to lockdown, Marines were used. Why? Because “…the Marines are going to follow instructions. They're going to follow the orders.”

The control group was in place. One group of subjects asked NOT to lockdown, or self isolate, and the others, the Marines, asked to do just that. So, what happened? The study had negligible results. However, the Marines, the lockdown participants, had a slightly higher rate of infection.

Simon posits the rates of suicide, depression, domestic abuse, drug abuse, alcoholism, and child abuse and the impact that has on Americans is directly related to lockdowns. Do we ban automobiles because the fatality rate of car accidents are high? Do we outlaw beef because of heart disease, he questions?

“It seems ironic to me that it's perfectly acceptable for somebody to die of pneumonia as long as the pneumonia wasn't caused by COVID. If somebody dies of pneumonia, that's okay. But if it's COVID induced pneumonia, then oh my god, we have to shut down the entire economy for all these sorts of things.”

What is Happening in America?

Robert probes Simon to share what shifted in his life to make the decision to be a sovereign man, a free man.

And it comes down to one distinct moment, Simon says. Colin Powell, at the United Nations, in such a critical moment, testifying to the confirmation of weapons in Iraq. At the time, Powell had the most credibility of anyone on the international stage for the Bush administration; Secretary of State (at the time), former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and a four star General.

That night, Simon thought, “This is wrong.” What he was watching was pivotal.

“That was when it really hit me that it's a lie.” Simon continues, “They're about to go to war based on a lie, and it made me think, "Well, if they're lying about this, then what else are they lying about?”

We Are Divided

There’s quite a bit of lying, Simon indicates, all the way around. He went down, what he calls a ‘rabbit hole’, in search of information, and truth and intent on expanding his mind. It all comes down to this, he says. “This is the most divisive time that you can remember. And I think it's because really people just… draw lines. They take sides. They're not willing to ever really have a discussion or concede anything or understand the other side.”

To be a truly independent person, and an independent thinker, Simon insists it’s important to get an understanding of the other side, someone else’s view. Open your mind, he says, to what is beyond your face. When we close ourselves off to being open-minded, we stop growing as people. This is a big part of being a sovereign person, he says. Learn from people you might not agree with.

Am I Supposed to be Hearing This?

Robert remembers being at a conference, offshore, for one of Simon Black’s Sovereign Man programs. He found himself shocked by the conversations around him. Much of which centered around topics that Robert felt most Americans would shy away from. What he was hearing was talk about having a second passport.

A second passport, Simon says is a lot like diversifying. Much like we are told to do financially, (Don’t put all your eggs in one basket!), we can create options for ourselves with a second citizenship. And it’s all entirely legal. In fact, Simon says, “To be clear, things like second passports, they're 100% legal. There's nothing about it in the United States that's against the law.”

Simon see’s it like this; “your passport confers citizenship, and your citizenship basically entitles you to certain benefits. In theory, also certain liabilities. Everybody that's a citizen of the United States has certain benefits of being able to live and work and so forth in the United States, and that's a pretty big benefit. At the same time, you're also signed up for some pretty big liabilities, like your share of the 60 plus trillion dollars in financial liabilities that's owed by the US Federal Government. Your liability of the taxes that they want to charge in their sole discretion whenever they want.”

Another glaring benefit? Freedom.

Simon says, “…Then 2020 came around and all of a sudden everybody was locked down in their homes, couldn't go anywhere, couldn't travel anywhere. But if you had a second passport, you could. You couldn't go to this place or that place. But if you had a second passport, suddenly you have these other countries saying, ‘Well, of course we'll welcome if you're a citizen…”

You know who HATES communism?

Robert says it’s all the people that are actually from communist countries. “They're the most vehemently anti-communism.” At the offshore event, Robert recalls the situation in the room, heightened by an almost auction-like quality. People from all over the world were pitching their countries, measuring why those in the room would consider a second passport to one of their beloved homes.

During the conference, a woman from Georgia stood up and proclaimed “Georgia’s the BEST!” When asked why, she told Robert, "Well, when the Russians came to our capital, we stopped them at the gates.”

Robert says that’s a sales-pitch he’s never quite heard before. The country of Georgia is high on his list of options now.

Opportunity knocks?

Kim asks Simon to share some ideas for opportunities that might present themselves, financially, from the fall out of 2020’s pandemic and shut-downs. Robert says there’s opportunity everywhere, but notes that there’ll be a lot of empty office buildings.

“Somebody's going to have to figure out what to do with all this commercial real estate for example. I mean, there's a lot of office property that is never going to be used again, at least for office purposes. So that needs to be repurposed somehow, and I think somebody's going to make a ton of money on that sort of thing.”

But Simon says opportunities are everywhere; bankruptcies, quality assets to be acquired. The most important thing is to change your mindset. He says you can sit at home and be angry, or, you can change your way of thinking and “go out and look for the opportunities.”

Question everything

Kim believes one of the healthiest things we can do to be a sovereign individual is be an independent thinker.

“The U.S. is changing…and are you going to change? Is this an opportunity for you to go, "Oh God, I better start doing something differently.”

Question more. Dig Deeper.

Or, as Robert sums it up- “Open your brains.”

You can visit: sovereignman.com for a free newsletter and more information on Simon Black, his program, and the ideas that shape his belief that to be free, to be sovereign, we must open our minds, and think for ourselves.