The Future of the Gold Standard and the Collapse of the Dollar

Release date: June 26, 2024
Duration: 25min
Guest(s): Peter Schiff
Peter Schiff

In this episode, renowned economist Peter Schiff joined Robert Kiyosaki to discuss the pivotal changes in our economic landscape and the implications for the future. This discussion, rich with historical context and bold predictions, is essential for anyone looking to understand the potential return to the gold standard and the evolving financial environment.

The Impact of August 15, 1971

Robert Kiyosaki delved into the historical moment that fundamentally altered the world economy: President Nixon's decision to take the dollar off the gold standard. He recounted his personal experience of learning about this change while on an aircraft carrier in 1972, and how it dramatically shaped his understanding of economics. This decision, according to Kiyosaki and Schiff, initiated many of the financial challenges we face today, including significant wealth disparities and real estate bubbles.

Schiff's Economic Analysis

Peter Schiff explained the technicalities of the gold standard and its historical role in stabilizing currencies. He critiqued the U.S. government's decisions in the 20th century, particularly the switch from gold to fiat currency which he believes led to the current economic instability. Schiff noted that the continual printing of money, especially post-2008 and during the COVID-19 pandemic, has exacerbated inflation and placed the economy on precarious footing.

The Future of the Dollar and Potential Return to Gold

Schiff predicted a grim future for the U.S. dollar if global confidence wanes, discussing how America's trade deficits and reliance on fiat currency could lead to a dollar collapse. He argued that a return to the gold standard, although stabilizing for other currencies, would be catastrophic for the current American economic structure due to the lack of gold reserves and a weakened manufacturing base.

Investment Strategies in Uncertain Times

Kiyosaki and Schiff underscored the importance of diversifying investments away from dollar-denominated assets. Schiff advocated for investments in gold and silver, as well as foreign stocks and real assets that can withstand inflationary pressures. He highlighted the urgency for individuals to re-evaluate their portfolios to protect their wealth in light of potential economic turmoil.

The Rise of BRICS and its Global Implications

The conversation also touched on the growing influence of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) and its potential to challenge the dominance of the U.S. dollar. Schiff and Kiyosaki warned that a shift towards a new global currency by BRICS nations could significantly devalue American financial assets, reinforcing the need for strategic investment in non-dollar assets.

Actions for Immediate Financial Security

To conclude, Kiyosaki and Schiff offered practical advice for safeguarding financial well-being. They recommended investing in precious metals through trusted firms, securing savings through non-dollar assets, and staying informed about economic trends that could affect personal finances. They also mentioned attending free online events hosted by the Rich Dad company to gain further insights and actionable strategies.

Final Thoughts

This discussion between Robert Kiyosaki and Peter Schiff provides invaluable perspectives on navigating financial uncertainty. Their analysis highlights the importance of understanding historical economic shifts and preparing for potential future changes. For anyone looking to secure their financial future, this episode of Rich Dad World is a crucial resource.


  • 00:00 Introduction

  • 01:35 Historical Context: Nixon and the Gold Standard

  • 04:11 Peter Schiff's Perspective on the Gold Standard

  • 08:53 Impact of COVID-19 on the Economy

  • 10:52 The Role of BRICS and Future Economic Predictions

  • 14:37 Potential Return to the Gold Standard

  • 17:06 Fed Coin and Inflation Concerns

  • 21:44 Final Thoughts and Advice from Peter Schiff

  • 28:16 Navigating High Interest Rates and Financing Options

  • 24:10 Conclusion and Farewell


The information provided in this video is for educational and informational purposes only. It should not be considered as financial advice or a recommendation to buy or sell any financial instrument or engage in any financial activity.

The content presented here is based on the speaker’s personal opinions and research, which may not always be accurate or up-to-date. Financial markets and investments carry inherent risks, and individuals should conduct their own research and seek professional advice before making any financial decisions.
