The Battle for Reason: Marxism vs. Critical Thinking in Academia

Release date: July 26, 2023
Duration: 37min
Guest(s): Dr. Owen Anderson and Ann Atkinson
The Battle for Reason: Marxism vs. Critical Thinking in Academia

Robert Kiyosaki and Dr. Owen Anderson delve into a thought-provoking discussion asking if communism has infiltrated universities and the media. Drawing from their own experiences, they shed light on the challenges they faced when hosting an event at Arizona State University, where an event promoting Health, Wealth & Happiness was protested by University faculty. This incident serves as a stark example of the suppression of free speech and the abandonment of reason that has become prevalent in certain academic circles.

This podcast episode serves as a wake-up call to the dangers of ideological conformity and the erosion of free speech in academic and media environments. By promoting critical thinking, questioning prevailing narratives, and advocating for intellectual freedom, we can work towards a more open and inclusive society.

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Let me explain…

Do not just do what I, my team or my guest says. That would be stupid and irresponsible. Take the education, then use your own brain and make your own decisions.

YOU must take responsibility for your future and your success. That is why you are here. Neither I, or my team, or my guests, know your risk levels, prior education, emotional maturity or how much money you can afford to lose.

We are only telling you what we believe to be smart moves. But you must decide for yourself. There are NEVER guarantees.

Also understand that we are REAL teachers. We practice what we preach. With that in mind we often invest in the very projects that may be mentioned on this show. While it is never our intent, we could possibly profit from others investing in our recommendations.

Take the education we provide but then determine your own actions. If it does not make sense to you, get more education before you invest. We will continue to provide education and there will always be more opportunities.