Wealth Preservation: Moving Beyond the Dollar with Gold and Silver

Release date: August 14, 2024
Duration: 37min
Guest(s): Andy Schectman
Andy Schectman

In the latest episode of the Rich Dad Radio Show, esteemed host Robert Kiyosaki, alongside special guest Andy Schectman, delve deep into the precarious state of the global financial system. They present compelling arguments for why now, more than ever, investors should consider shifting their focus from paper assets to tangible assets like gold and silver.

The Crisis of Conventional Financial Wisdom

Kiyosaki opens the episode with a stark greeting: "Hello, hello, hello, Robert Kiyosaki, the Rich Dad Radio Show, the good news and today bad news about money." He immediately dismisses the notion that his outlook is overly pessimistic. Instead, he argues that such pessimism is a realistic assessment of our current economic state—a perspective validated through decades of financial wisdom.

The Cash Flow Board Game and Financial Education

Many listeners may be familiar with Kiyosaki's renowned Cash Flow Board Game, developed in 1996 with his partner Kim. The game is designed to illustrate the harsh realities of conventional financial advice: go to school, get a job, save money, and invest in a 401k or IRA. According to Kiyosaki, these strategies land many people in the "rat race," never achieving true financial freedom.

He emphasizes that the key to breaking free lies in financial education—an education not offered in traditional schools but essential for acquiring sophisticated investment strategies.

Introducing Andy Schectman

Kiyosaki is joined by Andy Schectman, president and founder of Miles Franklin Precious Metals. Schectman shares his incredible journey starting from a humble beginning to establishing a company that has never received a customer complaint in its 34 years of operation.

Schectman provides valuable insight into how his father instilled in him the disciplined practice of accumulating gold and silver every two weeks. He hasn't missed a single two-week period in 34 years, he says, viewing gold and silver not merely as a hedge against catastrophe, but as true wealth.

Why Focus on the BRICS?

One of the key themes explored during the episode is the significance of the BRICS nations—Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa—and now, Saudi Arabia. Schectman explains how these countries are rallying against the U.S. dollar's dominance, particularly criticizing its weaponization in the global market.

He warns that the coalition among these nations could lead to a significant devaluation of the U.S. dollar. This presents a critical turning point for savers and traditional investors, who may find their paper assets rapidly losing value.

The Problem with the FDIC and Potential Banking Crisis

The conversation takes a somber turn when discussing the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC). Schectman reveals concerns from the FDIC's Systemic Resolution Advisory Committee about possible runs on the banks—a scenario in which panicked depositors rush to withdraw their money, only to find the banks don't have sufficient reserves.

Moreover, discussions of "bail-ins"—where bank depositors’ money is used to stabilize failing banks—paint a grim picture. Unlike the taxpayer-funded bailouts during the 2008 recession, these bail-ins would require average depositors to shoulder the financial burden directly, converting their savings into essentially worthless bank shares.

Why the Dollar’s Dominance is Under Threat

In 1974, a pivotal agreement made the U.S. dollar the world's reserve currency, ensuring global demand for the dollar. This demand has been a cornerstone of America's financial strength. However, Schectman warns that this dominance is waning. Countries involved in the BRICS organization are increasingly looking outside the dollar to settle trades, particularly in oil—a market traditionally dominated by dollar transactions.

The Case for Gold and Silver

Both Kiyosaki and Schectman stress that tangible assets like gold and silver present a safer, more reliable store of value in these turbulent times. Unlike paper currencies and digital assets, which can be devalued, gold and silver have intrinsic value and have been universally recognized as forms of wealth for centuries.

Schectman also highlights the role of blockchain technology in the future, predicting it will be used to lend credibility to a commodity-backed digital currency system. This system, underpinned by assets like gold and silver, could become a more stable and trustworthy alternative to the fiat dollar.

Conclusion: Taking Action

Kiyosaki closes the show with a call to action. He encourages listeners to reconsider traditional financial advice, urging them to educate themselves about the real value of gold and silver. He warns against complacency, highlighting that those who continue to follow outdated financial paradigms may soon find themselves unprepared for the looming economic challenges.

For those looking to avoid becoming "the biggest losers today," as Kiyosaki bluntly puts it, now may be the time to heed his and Schectman’s advice: invest in gold and silver, and safeguard your wealth for an uncertain future.

This episode of Rich Dad Radio is available for playback on all major podcast platforms, and the hosts encourage listeners to share it with those still stuck in the traditional financial mindset. With financial literacy as crucial as ever, this discussion serves as a powerful resource for anyone wanting to navigate the economic storm ahead.


  • 00:00 Introduction

  • 00:17 The Cash Flow Board Game and Financial Education

  • 01:08 Guest Introduction: Andy Shechtman

  • 01:43 The Importance of Gold and Silver

  • 08:32 Understanding the BRICS and Global Economic Shifts

  • 17:27 The Implications of FDIC and Bank Runs

  • 22:12 The Future of the U.S. Dollar and Global Commodities

  • 34:15 Conclusion and Final Thoughts


The information provided in this video is for educational and informational purposes only. It should not be considered as financial advice or a recommendation to buy or sell any financial instrument or engage in any financial activity.

The content presented here is based on the speaker’s personal opinions and research, which may not always be accurate or up-to-date. Financial markets and investments carry inherent risks, and individuals should conduct their own research and seek professional advice before making any financial decisions.