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Rich Dad's Prophecy

Why the Biggest Stock Market Crash in History Is Still Coming...And How You Can Prepare Yourself and Profit from It!

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Why Should You Read Rich Dad's Prophecy?

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Know what law changed the world. (And why it’s slowing eating away at your financial future.)

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Discover how to face the real world (By bravely choosing freedom over security.)

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Uncover why the act of investing doesn't mean you’re an investor (And the key will make you rich)

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Prepare for an uncertain future... with a bulletproof financial plan

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Lay the groundwork for financial freedom (Exercise control over your emotions and your time first!)

“A must read for anyone living in todays world. History will repeat itself and this is an insightful look at what is happening now and what is to come. If we don't or can't change what we are doing ourselves we will find ourselves on the wrong side of the wealth transfer. Which side of the wealth transfer would you like to be on!”

K.M., Amazon reviewer

“The Kiyosaki finance books are the best! I am so fortunate to have found this immensely valuable set of life skills, tools, and knowledge.”

Jalen H., Amazon reviewer

“Robert Kiyosaki's brutal honesty of his business failure in his youth really hit home. This book has a completely different tone from his Rich Dad, Poor Dad book. I'm not done reading it yet, but I find it hard to put down.”

K.O., Amazon reviewer

This is not a gloom-and-doom book. It is really a gloom-and boom book. All through the late 1970s and into the 1980s, rich dad reminded his son and me about ERISA. He would say such things as, “Always watch for changes in the law. Every time a law changes, the future changes.

Summary of Rich Dad's Prophecy

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Know what law changed the world

Powers beyond your control are trying to control you. Discover who and what they are up to. Page 25.

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How to face the real world

Prepare for an unknowable future with a solid historical context. Page 37.

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The nightmare begins

Discover why a change in global retirement plans and a lack of financial education in schools have created a nightmare scenario. Page 59.

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What are your financial assumptions?

Fact: 90 percent of the wealth is held by only 10 percent of the people. Discover why that is and what you can do about it. Page 73.

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Investing doesn't mean investor

Understand why placing money into your 401(k) might not lead to the retirement riches you had hoped for. Page 91.

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Everyone needs to become an investor

If you don’t know how to benefit from a market crash, uncover the secret only sophisticated investors know. Page 105.

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The cause of the problem

Longer lifespans, decreased wages, and decimated retirement plans all lead to a dismal future for most people. Learn how to protect yourself now. Page 117.

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The perfect storm

Pension plans. Social security. Global terrorism. Pandemics. Everything points to a perfect store. Prepare while there’s time. Page 129.

“Awesome read, period! I've always enjoyed Robert Kiyosaki's books because he demonstrates how "rich" is really your state of mind. Fact is, the rich do think differently. Before you can build wealth, you really have to think differently than what we're taught in main stream society's education. "Rich" is born in our minds. How we think, how we process opportunity, etc.”

Donald G., Amazon reviewer

Straightforward and easy read. The use of real life examples made this book easy to read, comprehend and retain. I look forward to putting the concepts to practice.”

Adam, Amazon reviewer

“Current laws would require retirees to start withdrawing from their retirement accounts at age 70-and-a-half whether they want to or not...? I never realized how this may possibly cause a selling cascade in the stock market (as there would be around 75 million baby-boomers affected assuming that many of them may have investments). It appears we may (hopefully) have a few years to prepare for this possibility.”

Rob S., Amazon reviewer

Rich Dad's Prophecy Author

Robert Kiyosaki standing by a private jet in an airplane hanger

Robert Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad Poor Dad - the international runaway bestseller that has held a top spot on the New York Times bestsellers list for over six years - is an investor, entrepreneur and educator whose perspectives on money and investing fly in the face of conventional wisdom. He has, virtually single-handedly, challenged and changed the way tens of millions, around the world, think about money.

In communicating his point of view on why 'old' advice - get a good job, save money, get out of debt, invest for the long term, and diversify - is 'bad' (both obsolete and flawed) advice, Robert has earned a reputation for straight talk, irreverence and courage.